ZHChain Test Network

ZHCash Test Network

At the moment we have released the x64 version of the QT wallet. Versions for other operating systems are in development..

Download ZHChain testnet wallet:
Download with database | txt-info-from-devops
ZIP: https://zh.cash/download/zhcash-qt-win-x64-testnet.zip
TXT: https://zhchain.sbs/basis/txt/information-from-devops-zhcash-qt-win-x64-testnet-zip.txt
ZHChain TESTNET ZHCash Blockchain Network



The ZHChain network has a BOUNTY💎 rewards program. One of the types of rewards is the maintenance of nodes and PoS forging in the test network. You can receive a reward in BOUNTY💎 tokens of the main network for each block found. BOUNTY program details on the TXT: https://zhchain.sbs/basis/txt/testnet-bounty-rewards-program.txt or website https://bounty.zhchain.sbs

Explorer In DEVeloping

Versions of wallets for macos and linux. Publishing open source code on our GitHub. Launching the block explorer testnet.zeroscan.io